Thursday, February 28, 2008


Hello People. Just writing in this blog of mine. I found this awesome quote. Satchel Paige - "Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you." He he. I thought that was funny. Actually, I think most quotes like that are funny, but yeah. Anyway, today I got this awesomely cool pencil that smells like root beer. I normally don't like root beer, but this was good. Okay. That's about it that happened today. Bye! ☺~Jess

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Whoa....I am really bad at writing in this. Anything new? We had a snowday.....that totally rocked out loud. Anything important? Not really. Are you wondering why I picked the URL ridingonashootingstar? (riding on a shooting star) I'll tell you why, since you're so curious. Sometimes I feel like my life is like that. Sometimes it's really rocky and you can never tell what's going to happen, sometimes it's smooth and beautiful, but it's always glorious and I'm just so happy I experience it with the people that I am expeiriencing it with. Yes, I know I sound like a fortune cookie. Sigh. LOL. Peace, Love and Choclate~ Jess

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Back from Vacation!

Hello my good people! I just got back from my 10 day vacation! I traveled on a 5-day cruise, I visited realitives-my cousin Alexa is soooooo cute- and I went to Universal Studios in Orlando! On the cruise, I stopped at JAmaca! (The Caymon Islands was canceled) I also met TWO awesome people- Jimmy and Amber! Go Japenese Godzillas! (It's a long story....) In Universal, all the rides were amazing! Well, at least the ones I went on. 0_o But now, alas, all great things come to an end, encluding this post. So, TTFN, my friends. ~ Jess